Sports, culture and recreation
A lot of attention is paid to sports, culture and recreation in the Somawathi Home. Not only fot the development of the children, but also because it fits a healthy life style and always gives a lot of joy.
Somawathi Home is essentially a Buddhist home respecting local values and standards. The children visit temple school on Sunday, learn traditional dances en music and mostly the girls are taught local traditions like lace-making and batik.
The sportsgrounds are intensively used, mainly for the national sport cricket. Regularly biking and walking are on the children’s programme and they all learn to swim into the sea. Every child gets dancing and musical lessons in the recreation room and is allowed to present its skills during special concerts and performances. Sometimes a special disco party or film show is organized. In the library all kinds of books can be borrowed.
Creative children can enjoy to their heart’s content during art lessons or in workshops. Carpentry, batik, pottery, lace-making, sewing and painting are part of the Saturday lessons. Works of art are sold in a small shop. Even a special Children’s Society has been founded: children members strike out theme evenings, topics for debates, participate in choosing menus and excursions and help in the hospital and home for the elderly nearby.