Nomination Transparancy Award 2009

logo_transparantprijsWe very proudly announce that the Sri Lanka Orphanage Foundation isnominated for the Transparancy Award 2009. The award is an initiative of PricewaterhouseCoopers for the transparancy an annual report of charity organisations. 

Transparancy Award 2009
The Transparancy Award is an initiative of PricewaterhouseCoopers in cooperated by Civil Society Foundation. The goal is to stimulate, by best-practice-sharing, the quality of reporting by charity organisations. The Transparancy Award contains € 10.000 and a symbolic trophy.

Nominees are… (source:

• Category I – Small organisations (< 0,5 million euro income):
Metakids, Projects South Africa and  Sri Lanka Orphanage Foundation

• Category II – Medium large organisations (0,5 million – 2,5 million euro income):
A.S.A.P.  Foundation (Association for Small African Projects), Christian
Mediaprojects /3xM and National Musical Instruments Fund

• Category III – Large organisations (> 2,5 million euro income per year):
Doctors without Borders, Save a Child and War Child

• Categorie IV – Equity funds*:
Sluyterman van Loo and Turing Foundation

* The assesment decided to nominate just two equity funds instead of three.

The results will be announced on Oktober 6th by chairman dr. A.H.G. (Alexander) Rinnooy Kan.

For more information: (Dutch)