Our organization
Our Organization is successful since its launch in 2005 thanks to the great commitment of countless volunteers and professionals who offer their services. Everyone is committed to the project with passion and works for the orphanage without pay. The Foundation has no paid employees. We work from home to reduce costs.
Sri Lanka Orphanage Foundation has a Daily Board, a Supervisory Board and a Committee of Recommendation, assisted by ambassadors of the project and volunteers with various skills.
[expand title=”Daily Board »”]
- Mrs. M.J. van Leeuwen (charim)
- Mrs. S.J. Pahud de Mortanges-Kroes (treasurer)
- Mrs. N. Turkstra-Weishaupt (board member)
[expand title=”Supervisory Board »”]The supervisory board monitors the management of the board and the general matters within the foundation
- Mr. drs M. de Rooij, direction member Twynstra Gudde
- Mr. drs J.A. de Monchy, previous Secretary Group Direction De Lage Landen
- Mr. M. Lentze – Registrar at Registrar office Ellens & Lentzee
- Mr. W.L. Boone – RA, sector coordinator Accountancy & Financial PUM
[expand title=”Organization in Sri Lanka: Founding Mother and Somawathi Sparamadu Trust »”]
- Mrs. R. Saparamadu, founding mother
- Mr. N. Illleperuma, Advisor
The Somawathi Trust was founded in Sri Lanka. The property and estate (45000 m2) are included in the Trust. Every month the foundation transfers money to the Trust to pay for all operational, development and maintenance costs. The Trust directs the Somawathi Home.
- Mr. S.D. Saparamadu, Chariman
- Mr. M. Saparamadu, Project Director
- Mrs. K. Wickremasinghe, Human Resources
- Mrs. L. Boteju, Education
- Mr. Th.H.M. Broeke, board member Trust
- Mrs. S.J. Pahud de Mortanges-Kroes, board member Trust
- Mrs. M.J. van Leeuwen, board member Trust
[expand title=”Committee of recommendation »”]
- Mr. A.D. Boer, CEO Koninklijke AHOLD
- Mr. mr H.F. Doeleman, lawyer Hocker advocaten in Amsterdam – mediator
- Mr. K. van de Graaf, TV presentor – communication specialist
- Mr. prof dr L.C.P.M. Meijs, Professor at Erasmus University
- Mr. mr drs C.H.J. van Leeuwen, former state secretary – lawyer- mediatorr
[expand title=”Ambassadors»”]Most ambassadors have often visited the Somawathi Home and maintain contacts within their personal region to share their experiences and to raise funds.
- Mrs. M. Oosterbaan – Vlieland
- Mr. B. Hoeboer – Ermelo
- Mrs. M. Witte –Ransdaal
[expand title=”Professionals and volunteers »”]A team of professionals is available to us to provide expertise where necessary. This varies from opinions in the area of wealth management, legal and fiscal affairs, design and creativity, Web design, printing, design and development administration, construction and project management to all kinds of other support.
- Mr. P. Derks (architect)
- Mrs. F. Breugelsdijk (strategy and policymaking)
- Mr. M. Van de Maesen de Sombreff (film producer)
- Mr. M. Appel (financial administration)
- Mrs. Mariëlle Colbers (communication)
- Mr. R. Rievers (art design)
- Mrs. J. van Cooten (strategy)
- Mrs. P. Brand (strategy)
- Mrs. E. Loots (copy)