We are very proud of our awards!
Since the foundation was founded, beginning 2005, it has grown out to be a professional organisation with ANBI status and the CBF Certificate for charities. We have received the Transparency Award for best annual report twice and the child protective services of Sri Lanka have awarded the Somawathi Home with the award of ‘Best orphanage of South Sri Lanka’. We are immensely proud of these achievements.
CBF Certificate
In 2008 the Sri Lanka Orphanage Foundation was awarded with the CBF-label for charities. In 2013 this label was exchanged for the CBF certificate. Even a small charity like ours can meet the strict criteria of the CBF.
Transparency Award
Yearly we send in our annual report to participate in the transparency award. This award is granted to the most transparent annual report. In 2008, 2012 and 2013 we received an honour award for our annual report and in 2009 and 2010 we won the transparency award for small charities.
The Somawathi Home is awarded with the title ‘Best orphanage of South Sri Lanka’ by the child protection authority and has earned the A status. Sri Lanka has 364 orphanages in total, where 15,000 children are housed. These orphanages are either government or privately run and most of them do not meet quality standards. By running this scheme the child protection services aims to increase the overall quality of the orphanages nationally.
ANBI status
By introducing the new rules and regulations for gifts and tax returns, the tax office has awarded Sri Lanka Orphanage Foundation the ANBI-status. Gifts to ANBI-status awarded charities are tax deductible.