Medical centre
In 2007 a medical centre was established on the premises of Somawathi Home. We don’t exclusively provide help for the resident children of Somawathi Home, the staff and their families, but people from the area are also offered medical consultations free of charge. The facilities of our medical centre consist of consultations by our doctors and providing medicines and vaccinations. There is also a lab for executing different tests and dental care. Every saturday the dentist holds surgeries.
The medical centre consist of:
- doctorpost
- parhmacy
- dentist
- eye clinic
- vaccinationcentre
- laboratorium
Medical camp
On a regular basis a “medical camp” is organized at the medical centre. A number of specialized experts from Colombo come to Somowathi Home to offer medical consultation, treatment or medication free of charge.
The local dentist holds a surgery at our medical centre one day a week. He uses a professional dentist equipment donated by the Netherlands.
In the eyeclinic the eyes are being measured by a local optician and there are glasses provided. The glasses are being accomodated by private investements and opticians in The Netherlands.
Vaccination centre
Regularly it occurs that children who enter the Somowathi Home have diseases like mumps or measles, with all the associated consequenses.Meanwhile al resident and non resident-children have been vaccinated against most common child diseases.
A standardized stock of medicins is available only on prescription in our home pharmacy. Medication is provided free of charge on the basis of a short-time illness. Chronically ill (diabetes, heart patients, etc.) are redirected to the Government Hospital which offers further treatment and free education.
Physical and psychological care
The Matron of the Somawathi Home is responsible for the care of the children, together with the care mothers. They keep up a file of every child. Some children get extra help and guidance of a psychologist. Other children benefit more a social worker.
Monitoring and observation
New arrived children are being accommodated in an observationroom temporarily. This is for observation, for medical screening and to signal possible behaving disorders. Only after they are aproved, they are transfered to the living pavilions and put under the care of the care mothers. A counselor stops by weekly to help the children that have problems.